Sunday, June 14, 2009

Life is really like a big whole mess rite now.
Realising that want I had now was just a lie and nothing else more
Once thought that it was a dream come true, but it turns out to be a foolish thinking
I don't wanna walk alone but it jus seems that I dun haf a choice at all
I dun wanna believe everything good that happens s true anymore
Cause in the end it will be like tearing it me apart to know the true that it is not good at all.
I dont wan it anymore, i really cant take the heartbreak anymore
The price I had paid to take this heartbreak is too much
Crying rite now, I dun wanna waste my tears again
People say that a girl's tear is precious but I dont even think mine was
Its jus like a loose tap that no one will bother to repair in and jus leave the water to flow
I jus donno what to do anymore
the world doesnt stop moving jus because I am sad

P.S Is what I am asking too much??

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